Sep 28, 2010

Hello blogosphere

Its been a while since I stopped blogging, but that wasn’t an early retirement. I just took a month-long leave, and left the blogosphere for a while. Now I decided to come back and not to leave again— for as long as I’m still capable of seeing the characters on the computer screen and able to key it in from the keyboard, then life goes on.

Some bloggers considered blogging as their way of life, and I guess I’m one of them, I don’t blog just to earn bucks for my living—though its not a bad idea at all, but I simply wanted to share my thoughts whenever I feel like talking and no one is around to listen, at least I could just write down my thoughts and share it to the world.

This blog is actually my 4th personal blog, the other three was disgraced haha because I forgot the passwords on each of my account, maybe it’s due to the drastic expansion of Gap on my memory(Memory Gap) — in other words, sign of aging. Maybe I should add
peanut on my diet hahaha.

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